Sunday, August 15, 2010

Never give up...

Sometimes in life we find ourselves in situations where it would be a lot easier to just give up than to keep on going. 
At the beginning of the month I had been trying to figure out what workouts I was going to do for the month and was having a hard time putting something together.  While perusing my library of workout DVD's, I realized that I had never even tried the Brazil Butt Lift (BBL) workout program I received with my Diamond Pack.  So I decided I was going to give that workout program a try.  In reviewing the materials I saw that it was divided into 4 week blocks which fit exactly what I was looking for.   Monday, August 9th was my Day 1 of BBL.  My very first workout was called Bum Bum (pronounced Boom Boom).  During the workout, I did sweat but didn't feel I got that great of a workout. But I attributed it to not being that familiar with the moves.  The next day was Cardio Axe and Tummy Tuck.  I seriously wanted to shut off the DVD player because I felt so uncoordinated and frustrated.  The moves aren't hard per se, but I felt seriously out of my comfort zone. Exercise programs that resemble anything close to dance moves are not my thing. I'm a big Tony Horton Fan and LOVE his type of workouts.  But I didn't stop and continued to do my best with my serious lack of rhythm.  And by the end of Cardio Axe I had worked up a decent sweat.  Then it was on to Tummy Tuck...ok, it had my abs burning.  After my workout I started thinking about how I was reacting to this new program...and what can I learn from it.

I think the reaction I was having to this program is likely very similar to how many people react to lots of things. How many times in life have you given up on something in the first week, month or year because you were out of your comfort zone?  Did you continue on or give up?  I challenge you to tackle those things that challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone.  For me, BBL is completely out of my comfort zone but I'm going to finish the month...and by the end not only will I have a better bum bum, I may also find some "rhythm" that I've always said I didn't have!!