Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bod Pod experience & counting calories

So I had a body composition analysis done in a Bod Pod a week or so ago and was asked that age old question...."how many calories are you eating per day?"    I was definitely dumbfounded because I've never been one who has counted calories. 
I am not currently following any specific meal plan nor have I been in a couple years...so he challenged me to really try and figure out how many I was eating so he could help me determine what I needed to do.  Unfortunately, I have yet to do this.  I'm still trying to wrap my hands around the fact that he said I needed to consume 1500 -2300 calories per day (depending on workout intensity level) in order to not lose any lean muscle mass while decreasing my body fat percentage. For a girl who doesn't count calories...this is not going to be easy.  Plus he said that I would probably gain weight before I lost body fat - ugh!!.  I am currently in the "moderately lean" category (23-30%) and my goal is to get in the "lean" category (19-22%)

I'm still doing my Eat Clean Challenge...and although I haven't been sticking to it 100%, I have been way more conscious of the food I've been eating and not allowing myself all those little cheats that tend to add up over time.  I will reach my goal but as with everything in life...its all about baby steps.  What baby steps are you going to take to get you closer to your goals???